Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Lic Money Plus 180 Status

A variable is used to store a value of some sort. In python the following types of variables: (integer) · Numeric (floating) · Numerical (complex) · character string ·

Every variable before being called has to be assigned a value, otherwise it will error. print message

appears the error message is not defined, it does not contain any value.

In other programming languages \u200b\u200bc + +, java, vb variables are declared and then assigned the value. Python is not necessary to declare, but will assign a value to variable and from that moment, the variable is already part of the program.

What we need to take into account is that Python is case sensitive and sensitive.

Assign value to integer variables:

year = 2009

birth = 1986

Assign value to variables of type Floating

price = 10.93 salary = 560.33

Assign value to variables of type complex

>>> value = 5 * (4 + 2j) >>> print value

(20 +10 j) Assign value to variables of type string:

string of characters (can be enclosed in single or double quotes) message = "Welcome to InforNext" name = 'Perico'

Assign Boolean variables:

Visible = True

Code of Practice

print "Integer Variables"

year = 2009

birth = 1986

year print print birth

print "Variables of type float"

price = 10.93 = 560.33


print print price paid

print "Variables of type complex" value

= 5 * (4 + 2j) print


print "string variables"

message = "Welcome to InforNext"

name = 'Perico'

print message print name

print "Boolean Variables"

visible = True print visible

raw_input ()

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Government Ships For Sale

Tutorial IV: Operators

5.20 Write an application that prints the following diamond figure. The following code is for the figure of a diamond in java.

public class Diamond {public static void
main (String [] args) {int line, width, number, start, end, count, number = Integer

. parseInt (JOptionPane.showInputDialog ("Enter a number"));

width = (number * 2) - 1; start = width - number + 1;
for (counter = 1; counter System.out. print ("");
System.out.println ("*"); start -; end = start;

for (line = 2; line

{for (counter = 1; counter System.out.print (""); for (counter = start; counter
{System.out.println ("*");} System.out.println
("*"); Home - ;
end + +;}
start = 1;
end = width - 1; for (counter = start; counter
{System.out.println ("*");}
("*"); start + +; end -= 2;
for (line = number + 1; line {for (counter = 1; counter
System.out.print ("");

for ( counter = start; {counter

System.out.print ("*");} System.out.println
("*"); start + +;
end -;}

start = width - number + 1; for (counter = 1; counter System.out.print (""); ("*"); System.out.println}}

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Plaid Patricia Nimmocksmsds

python files. Chk

continue with the second tutorial python

In the first tutorial we did the hello world example, but nothing else using the console, now we will work in a script.

doing so on the console or command executing command loose, but it was not if it was programmed in python.

To make a Python script to do the following:


Open PythonWin Editor


new File (Ctrl + N)

Python Script and then select OK

  By doing the above we aparace a window with the title of Script 1 

In this window we can write all the code to be executed.

write the same code 1 chapter

message = 'Hello World' <=inicio-1; contador++)

print message
<=numero-1; linea++)


<=fin; contador += 2)
We keep it as holaMundo.py

To run the script

<=fin; contador += 2)

Click on the icon that is within a rectangle and a window that says "Run Script" pressed OK.

<=ancho-1; linea++)

<=inicio-1; contador++)

<=fin; contador +=2)

In the interactive window print our message.
<=inicio - 1; contador++)

If you look in the directory where we store our script and execute it, you see the prompt window and disappears without seeing our message, to avoid closing automatically add the following line.

Input ("Press enter to exit")
This happens

When executed, the window does not close automatically, until you press enter.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

How To Draw A Diagram Of A Car Accident Report

Tutorial III: Variables in python

, have decided to vacation to play a little python and I liked it, which is why I write here some of what I learned.

Python is a scripting language developed by Guido van Rossum . With python program can using linear programming, structured and object-oriented.

It has Python interpreters on multiple platforms: Windows (ActivePython 2.5), Linux, Mac etc. instructions can execute Python from the command line or by creating files with extension *. py.

ActivePython is available for download from here:


When installed Python, you should check it out properly. To so do the following:


Open your console (run>> cmd)


Write python

Running the command will return the version ActivePython here

will see a simple hello world example.

In the console write just opened

Print 'Hello World'

and press enter

With that line is printed on the screen the string is within single quotes, in this case Hello World.

Another way

message = 'Hello World'

Print post


If you do not want to do from the console of Windows will do with active ActivePython

To open it just run PythonWin Editor who is in the directory located


in all programs

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Sayings For Football Shirts

Exercise 5.20 How to program in java

avaEjercicio of the book "How to program in java" Type 5.10 an application that displays the following patterns separately, one below another. Use for loops to generate the patterns. All asterisks (*) must be printed by a single statement of how System.out.printl ("*"); which causes the asterisks to be printed next to each other. public class

Cinco10 {public static void main (String [] args) {String output = ""; otravez: for (int f = 1; f output + = "\\ n"; for (int c = 1, c

if (c> f) continue otravez; +="*"; output}} System.out.println (output);

/ / Second drawing out = ""; otravez:

for (int f = 1; f output + = "\\ n";

for (int c = 10, c> = 1, c -)

{if (c

for (int y = 0; and System.out.print ("");

} for (int z = 10, z> = 1 + x, z -) { System.out.print

("*") ;

} System.out.println (); x + +;

} / / fourth drawing x = 10; while (x> 0) {

for (int y = x, y> = 0, y -) { System.out.print ( "");}

for (int z = 0, z

System.out.print ("*");


System.out.println ();

x -;}



Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Morton Tender Quick Where To Buy Store

Tutorial II: Create script in python

translated several months ago an article I commented something about DNSChanger, and now, says a new feature.

few days ago, both houses as different antivirus SANS warned more than curious behavior in the old family of malware known DNSChanger. This has evolved substantially: It started with local change of the configuration of DNS servers in the system (to drive the victim to the servers that the attacker wants). Has reached the point of installing a kind of server And DHCP and infect an entire internal network. DNS servers that install malware on the network are often known as UkrTeleGroup. Family DNSChanger

DNSChanger An interesting feature is that it is one of the families who have attacked more than Macs in addition to Windows. Among many other ways to encounter them, are often found in servers, eMule, camouflaged under the guise of other programs.

is a family known for about three years. They are characterized by modifying the DNS servers to the victim that they infect. Thus, the IP-domain association is under the control of the attacker, so that the victim will go to the attacker IP DNS server configured in particular. Normally, people rely on the ISP DNS, but if you set any other resolution is really at the mercy of his manager, whatever his intentions.

DNSChanger began modifying the local system settings, so changing ISP's DNS servers to the victim by other controlled by the attacker. Then, the malware has evolved towards changing the ADSL router from the victim. Sought the "gateway" system, which usually correspond to the router, and make requests or exploit vulnerabilities in routers known to modify these values. So the user was affected by change but in a much more complex to detect. In addition, would be affected the rest of the machines that take these values \u200b\u200bfrom the router itself.

Stepping beyond

The latest development involves the installation observed the victim of a small DHCP server. This is the protocol used in local networks so that when a system connects to the network, the server will recognize it and automatically provide the necessary values \u200b\u200bto communicate (direction, ip, gateway ...). Typically also provides the values \u200b\u200bof the DNS servers you set the administrator or the router. The malware installed

a driver that allows you to manipulate low-level Ethernet traffic, or make any packages. With this technique simulates a DHCP server. When it detects DHCP legitimate questions of a system on the network, the malware responds with its own DNS settings so that the computer you just plug into the local network would be configured as the attacker wants, and not as the administrator scheduled. The attacker relies on luck, as the legitimate DHCP server on the network, if any, would also respond.
Who comes first wins. " They get infections and "clean", it is difficult to know who originated the traffic if it is not stored and analyzed. In addition, this method can afford to make many other local network attacks with different impacts. What

enter the DNS values \u200b\u200bmalware?
<=10;f++) {

DNSChanger is a family that needs a strong infrastructure to be useful. DNS servers (under the control of the attackers) from which it, which modifies the user, often housed in UkrTeleGroup Ukrainian company, under the network range 85.255.xy Nearly 10% of all machines range of addresses that correspond to public DNS servers that do not contain legitimate associations

domain and IP address. Sometimes use the DNS server to associate domains the reserved IP, as is the case with Microsoft server downloads download.microsoft.com. This ensures that the victim can not upgrade the operating system security patches. Interestingly, it appears that the Apple update addresses
not blocked (although that usually affects the operating system).

also blocked a number of home pages antivirus updates.

<=10; c++) {

Some of these DNS servers (WARNING: not configured in the system under any circumstances) are:

85,255,122,103, 85,255,113,114, 85,255,122,103, 85,255,112,112 ...

only requires further consultations "dig" (command to find out what addresses are related to what domains in a DNS server) to check which domains "interested" or not the attackers.

More information: Rogue DHCP servers


DNSChanger: One Infection, Lots Of Problems
http://www.avertlabs.com/research / blog/index.php/2008/12/16/dnschanger-one-infection-lots-of-problems /

<=10;f++) {


<=10) {

How To Soften A Duvet

1. An Introduction to python

critical bulletins are:

* MS08-070: fixes five vulnerabilities in the archives extended runtime Visual Basic 6.0 (ActiveX controls) that could <=x; y++) { allow remote code execution if a user visits a malicious website designed especially



* MS08-071: This security bulletin resolves two vulnerabilities could allow remote code execution if a user opens a malicious WMF image
. It affects Windows 2000, XP, Vista and Windows Server
2003 and 2008.


* MS08-072: Updated intended to correct eight vulnerabilities in Microsoft Office Word
Office Outlook could allow remote code execution
if a user opens a file in Word or RTF (rich text format
) specially designed.


* MS08-073: Cumulative Update for Microsoft Internet Explorer
also fixes four new vulnerabilities that could allow
remote execution of arbitrary code.
affects Internet Explorer 5.01, 6 and 7.
<= 10 - x ; z++) {

* MS08-074: Update that resolves three vulnerabilities
Excel could allow remote code execution if a user opens a malicious Excel file

* MS08-075: Updated aimed to address two vulnerabilities in Windows Search

, which could allow

remote code execution if a user opens a malicious file and saves search Windows Explorer or if you access a specially crafted URL.

bulletins are:

* MS08-076: Update to resolve a vulnerability in Microsoft Office SharePoint Server

which could lead to elevated privileges .


* MS08-077: The latest newsletter of the year (if no extraordinary
publications in the remainder of month) is designed to avoid two

vulnerabilities in various components of Windows Media.


I recommend applying patches for desktop users.

MS08-071 MS08-072 MS08-073
Optional, if using firefox, not taken into account.
MS08-074 MS08-075

There are more errors in q in the system office.
