Sunday, August 22, 2010

What Can I Use Instead Of Tray

Jailbreak and unlock / unlock iphone firmware 4.0/4.0.1! Update

Now you can jailbreak and unlock both iPhone with firmware 4.0! This method is simpler and faster, and left before the jailbreak with PwnageTool but is a little confusing that with which I will explain below.

NOTE: If after updating your iphone can not activate either because you can not put a sim from the company or you have no sim activator (the setting can be found on ebay "iphone activator card) then you should act with PwnageTool.

STEP 1: I conectáis internet through your wifi or 3G connection.

STEP 2: In your browser iphone you put the address: and deslizáis the bar to do the jailbreak ("slide to unlock"). Wait a while and there you will have Jailbreak!

IMPORTANT! Update all Cydia updates as some are essential so that you can send MMS, fix the Face Time, etc.

STEP 3: Go to "Manage" (tab below) then Sources and hit edit (top left). Now there it will leave you "add", chop and enter the following address: (is a zero, not an "o"). We accept and expect to end of the process.

STEP 4: Once finished, we give a device reboot. We will restart the iphone and once we initiate and put any SIM card. And be free again!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Beach Volleyball Toes

iphone without losing data or applications! Iphone unlocking and jailbreak

First of all we must create a backup of the iPhone.
iTunes creates backups of settings, downloaded applications, application data and other information on the iPhone. You can use a backup to return these items to the iPhone after a software restore, or transfer information to another iPhone.

iTunes creates a backup of the iPhone in these situations:

- In sync with iTunes:
By default, iTunes syncs iPhone whenever you connect iPhone to your computer. iTunes will not perform any automatic backup of an iPhone that is not configured to sync with that computer. You can also synchronize manually by clicking the Sync button in iTunes. Note that iTunes creates a backup every single time the iPhone connects to your computer, before the first synchronization takes place. If you decide to re-sync, iTunes will not create another backup.

- Updating the iPhone: iTunes
backs up the iPhone before updating the iPhone, although it is not configured to sync with iTunes on that computer.

- Resetting the iPhone (if you decide to make a backup):
iTunes asks if you want to back up the iPhone before the restore.

Applications downloaded from the App Store will be copied the next time you sync with iTunes. Then when you sync with iTunes just copy the application data.

Source: Apple manual